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Church in the Present

Main Points from What Makes Us Catholic “Self Love: The Key To Happiness.” What Makes Us Catholic by Thomas Groome talked a lot about self-love, spirituality, and acceptance.  Groome discussed the importance of loving ourselves too.  While the rule does say to love our neighbor, love yourself is an important aspect of the rule as well.  He says that we could begin to care for others after we care for ourselves.  I agree with this point that Groome made since it is just as important to care for ourselves physically and mentally as it is to care for others.  Groome brought up an interesting point that religion is separate from spirituality.  I  agree with this  a s well because I don't think you have to be religious to have spirituality.  The two fit together very well, but one is not needed to have the other.  Lastly, Groome talked about accepting everyone.  He talked about the importance of respecting all that are around us since God is accepting of all.  I f ully agree with

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