
Most Interesting Event

The event that I found most interesting from the presentations was the Great Western Schism.  The Great Western Schism was a split within the Church due to three men saying that they were the true Pope.  Eventually, Martin V become the sole Pope of the Church.  I find the Great Western Schism interesting since it shows a time when the Church was split.  I think it is funny how many men felt strong enough to be in charge of the Church, so they all claimed to be the true Pope.  This shows that the Church has not always been perfect.  Over time, there have been conflicts that allow the Church to grow and become stronger.  I chose this image since it is a painting of the end of the Great Western Schism.  This shows that a solution was eventually reached thus demonstrating the growth of the Church. 

("Entry of Antipope John XXIII (1360-1554) in Constanta to
celebrate the 'Council of Constance' (1414).")

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Most Interesting Person

The most interesting person from the presentations was Martin Luther.  Martin Luther began the Protestant Reformation by writing the Ninety-Five Theses.  This document condemned the Church of their wrongdoings, including the practice of selling indulgences.  It took a lot of courage for Martin to speak out against the Church, which is why I chose him as the most interesting person.  Martin became an icon for speaking out against the wrong practices that the Church was doing, so many followed in his example.  I find Martin interesting because of his courage and ability to lead.   I want to follow in his example and speak out against things that are wrong today, even if it may be scary.  I chose this image because it is Martin Luther, a man who was strong enough to speak out against the Church.  I look up to him as an example of courage and strength.  

("Martin Luther.")
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What I Want to be Remembered For

If I become a historical person, I would want to be remembered for my ability to lead.  When doing group projects in school, I tend to take the lead, yet allow others to equally participate and put their feedback into the project.  I feel like this aspect of my life is important to be remembered for.  I am a strong, fair leader who can take charge when there is a time to lead, but I am also a person who will share my leadership to reflect the wants of those that I am leading.  I am hoping to become more involved in Notre Dame leadership next year in order to showcase my ability to lead others.  If I become a historical figure, I hope that my fair leadership skills will be remembered.  I chose this image because it shows leadership.  One bird leads the others as they are migrating or looking for food, just like I lead others.  

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My Experience With Growth

In my own life, I have experienced growth often.  Everyday at school, I learn new information that I will continue to use in that class and in other classes.  Sometimes, the content I learn challenges me.  I struggle with understanding that piece of information, so then I usually do not understand the next lesson either.  When this happens, I feel that I will fail in that class.  I am challenged by school constantly, but this challenge allows me to grow.  I grow by asking for help to understand the material.  This growth then sets me up to learn even more material that I will use in my life.  I chose the image of a flower since they grow after they are nurtured.  At school, my teachers help me to learn and grow everyday, just like the flower grows.  

(Shahin, Gloria, and Joanna Dailey.)

Entry of Antipope John XXIII (1360-1554) in Constanta to celebrate the ‘Council of Constance’ (1414).. Photo. Britannica ImageQuest, Encyclopædia Britannica, 25 May 2016. Accessed 20 Apr 2018.
Flower. Photography. Britannica ImageQuest, Encyclopædia Britannica, 25 May 2016. Accessed 20 Apr 2018.
Leadership. Photography. Britannica ImageQuest, Encyclopædia Britannica, 25 May 2016. Accessed 20 Apr 2018.
Martin Luther. Photography. Britannica ImageQuest, Encyclopædia Britannica, 25 May 2016. Accessed 20 Apr 2018.
Shahin, Gloria, and Joanna Dailey. Church History: Apostolic Times to Today. 1st
    ed., St. Mary’s Press, 2013.


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