Church in the Present

Main Points from What Makes Us Catholic

Image result for self love
“Self Love: The Key To Happiness.”
What Makes Us Catholic by Thomas Groome talked a lot about self-love, spirituality, and acceptance.  Groome discussed the importance of loving ourselves too.  While the rule does say to love our neighbor, love yourself is an important aspect of the rule as well.  He says that we could begin to care for others after we care for ourselves.  I agree with this point that Groome made since it is just as important to care for ourselves physically and mentally as it is to care for others.  Groome brought up an interesting point that religion is separate from spirituality.  I agree with this as well because I don't think you have to be religious to have spirituality.  The two fit together very well, but one is not needed to have the other.  Lastly, Groome talked about accepting everyone.  He talked about the importance of respecting all that are around us since God is accepting of all.  I fully agree with this point since respect is key to a peaceful society.  What Makes Us Catholic brought up points that I should remember and follow every day.  I chose this quote since it reminds me to love myself.  When I love myself, I can be happy and share this happiness with others.  

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New Insights About Pope Francis

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“Sei Troppo Felice? Potresti Morire. E' La Sindrome Takotsubo.”
Watching the video clips showed me how kind and simple Pope Francis is.  When talking to the youth, I learned that Pope Francis values those that surround us.  He talked a lot about walking with other people rather than walking alone and staying with those we love.  This showed me that he cares about those that are around him.  I also learned that Pope Francis mainly believes in healing the wounded.  I think that is a very important issue for him to focus on since so many people are hurting, whether it be mentally or physically.  One interesting fact that the videos taught me was that Pope Francis helped to hide religious figures to avoid them getting kidnapped or killed in Argentina during a hard time.  This is so fascinating because it shows how the Pope cares for others just as he cares for himself.  Lastly, I learned that the Pope lives a simple and modest life in order to stay connected to reality.  I really enjoyed learning about the Pope's life since I could follow in some of the ways that he acts.  I chose this image because it depicts the Pope's focus on healing others.  I can follow in his example and heal those in my community.  

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New Changes by Pope Francis

Image result for pope on global climate change
“Pope Francis Takes on Climate Change Deniers.”
Pope Francis is a very progressive pope as seen through some of the changes he is making.  One very modern change he has made is welcoming and accepting all members of the LGBTQ community into the Church.  Previously, these people were not welcomed, but the Pope has changed this because God believes that all people are equal.  Another modern issue that Pope Francis has addressed is Global Climate Change.  The Pope has declared that this is a moral issue that the Church must address since it affects Earth and everyone on it.  Lastly, the Pope has called for a change in the way that immigrants are handled.  Pope Francis believes that these people need to be let in and accepted since many are fleeing from war-torn countries.  I am very happy that the current Pope is dressing these key issues instead of ignoring them.  This gives me faith that these important issues will hopefully be solved soon.  I chose this quote because it shows how passionate Pope Francis is about Global Climate Change.  He urges this generation to take the lead on solving this issue.  

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Hopes for the Church Today

Image result for youth community service
"Andrus, Amy."
I feel that Pope Francis is already making many of my hopes into realities.  My main hope for the present day Church is that they will be accepting of all people.  God created everyone equally, so I just don't understand why some people are not welcomed into the Church.  Pope Francis has already welcomed members of the LGBTQ community into the Church which makes me feel like the Church is following in God's accepting footsteps.  Another hope I have for the modern day Church is to reach out to the youth more.  I know personally that I am not super involved in my Church since there are not activities that appeal to me.  I hope that Churches can develop more activities, especially service activities, that appeal to a broader range of youth.  I am excited to see how the Church will continue to evolve as I grow older.  I chose this image because it makes me think of a creating a global community, starting with the youth.  This image shows how the youth, the smaller handprints, are still important to building a solid community.  

Andrus, Amy. “PTO Ideas.” Pinterest, 13 Nov. 2014,
“Pope Francis Takes on Climate Change Deniers.” I’ll STILL Drink to That,
“Sei Troppo Felice? Potresti Morire. E’ La Sindrome Takotsubo.”, 9 May 2017,
“Self Love: The Key To Happiness.” RSS,


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