
What I Learned

Before the group presentations, I had known very limited information about the original disciples.  Starting with researching my own disciples, James the Greater and James the Lesser, I learned that James the Greater was one of a few people to witness the Transfiguration.  I learned that James the Lesser was closely related to Jesus since his mother was known to have relations with Mary.  In every presentation I watched, I was taught new information about a person I had heard of before, or I was introduced to a person I had never heard of before.  One interesting fact I learned was that Peter was crucified upside down and Andrew was crucified on an "x" shaped cross since they both believed they were unworthy to die how Jesus died.  Most of the disciples were martyrs, but I was taught that John was the only disciple that was not a martyr.  I previously knew that Judas betrayed Jesus, but I did not know that he committed suicide since he could no longer handle the thought of what he did.  I then learned that Matthias became a disciple to replace Judas since he fit all of the requirements.  I learned many other insights about the original disciples, but those are some of the highlights that I learned.  I chose this image because it depicts the large amount of disciples.  Even though we only discussed the original disciples, this image shows how the followers of Christ were very numerous.  


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My Favorite Disciple

The disciple that I found most interesting was Andrew.  Andrew and fellow disciple Peter were brothers, and they were some of the first disciples called to follow Jesus.  I learned that Andrew was the disciple to notice the five loaves and two fish in the story where Jesus fed a crowd of thousands with only five loaves of bread and two fish.  I find Andrew interesting due to the way he died.  He was crucified on an "x" shaped cross because he felt that he did not earn the privilege to die the same way Jesus had.  This really shows Andrew's commitment to Jesus and truly believed he was the Son of God.  Andrew was a dedicated disciple from the very beginning, which is another reason why I find him interesting.  I chose this image because it depicts Andrew with the cross he was crucified on.  His crucifixion is the reason I find him so interesting, since it was so unique.  

("Saint Andrew.")

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Characteristics of Followers of Jesus

Based on the presentations, I learned that followers of Christ were all ordinary men that dedicated their lives to following Jesus and his teachings.  Many men, such as Peter, John, and Bartholomew, were fisherman who did not make much money.  When Jesus asked them all to follow him, they all immediately agreed leaving their old lives behind.  This shows the common characteristic of sacrifice that followers of Christ displayed.  Another common characteristic is dedication.  Many disciples died martyrs which showed how they willingly died to profess their faith.  This dedication was present through many disciples.  Sacrifice and dedication are just two of the numerous characteristics that were displayed through the disciples.  I chose this quote because I feel that it is a motto that the disciples would have followed.  I think that since they sacrificed themselves for this religion, it truly spread to other cultures and is now a popular religion in today's world.  


(“Sacrifice Quotes.”)

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Comparing Disciple Characteristics to My Characteristics

I feel that I do portray some of the characteristics found in the disciples.  For example, I am very dedicated.  Whatever I am doing, whether it be school work or something around my house, I put my full effort into it and stay dedicated until it is complete.  This relates to the disciples since they professed teachings about Jesus until they died.  This shows how dedicated they were to their life work.  I feel that I do not display sacrifice as much as the disciples did.  Usually I do not sacrifice simple things, like my time, until I am told to do so.  I typically only volunteer when I am instructed to.  After learning about the disciples, I can see how they sacrificed so much, so I can sacrifice an hour of my time.  Now I know I can look to the disciples as examples of how to act in my life.  I chose this image because it reminds me to always put full effort into everything I do, like the disciples did.  It keeps me determined on following through with all my work and all of my commitments.  

(“Business Term On Retro Typewriter Stock Photo.”)


“Business Term On Retro Typewriter Stock Photo.” Royalty Free Dedication Pictures, Images and Stock Photos - IStock, www.istockphoto.com/photos/dedication?excludenudity=true&sort=mostpopular&mediatype=photography&phrase=dedication.
FIRST APOSTLES. - The Calling of the First Apostles. Sistine Chapel fresco, c1483, by Ghirlandaio.. Fine Art. Britannica ImageQuest, Encyclopædia Britannica, 25 May 2016.
quest.eb.com/search/140_1669087/1/140_1669087/cite. Accessed 23 Jan 2018.
“Sacrifice Quotes.” (40 Wallpapers) - Quotefancy, quotefancy.com/sacrifice-quotes.
Saint Andrew. Photograph. Britannica ImageQuest, Encyclopædia Britannica, 25 May 2016.
quest.eb.com/search/125_1219044/1/125_1219044/cite. Accessed 23 Jan 2018.


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