Bible Archaeology

Bible Archaeology

New Information From My Presentation

My presentation on Joseph of Arimathea contained many new pieces of information that I never knew before.  Previous to my research, I assumed a devout follower of Jesus removed his body from the cross and placed it in the tomb.  I now have discovered that Joseph, a secret follower of Jesus, asked to carry and tend to Jesus's body after he died.  I also learned that Joseph was a member of the government at this time.  The government had strong feelings against Jesus, like Joesph should have as well.  Joseph instead hid his faith until he proudly carried the body of Christ.  Through this activity, I discovered more about Joseph who I have never heard of before this.  I chose this image because it shows how caring Joseph was towards Jesus.  

Image result for joseph of arimathea

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New Information From Other Presentations

As I listened to the other groups present, I learned more about Jesus during his life, as he died, and after he was buried.  One of the most interesting pieces of new information I learned was about Pontius Pilate.  Previously, I thought that he condemned Jesus because he truly did not like him and wanted him to die.  I learned that Pontius was hesitant to condemn Jesus because Pilate believed Jesus was innocent.  Pontius Pilate is mainly remembered for turning his back on Jesus.  Along with information before Jesus died, I learned more about where Jesus died.  I knew that Jesus was killed alongside two other men, but I did not know the name of the place.  The Site of Calvory also has a Church which is considered one of the most holy places for Christians because Jesus was crucified and buried in this area.  Lastly, I had heard about the Shroud of Turin before, but I was unclear what it was.  I now discovered that this piece of cloth is thought to be the burial cloth of Jesus.  Some people believe that it is too modern to have been from Jesus's time while others say that they have seen Jesus on the cloth.  I really enjoyed learning more about Jesus from the beginning of his life until after his death.  I chose this image because it shows where Jesus was crucified along with two other men.  

Related image

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Most Fascinating Topic About Jesus

I found the Shroud of Turin to be the most interesting.  This interests me because of the two different theories about a piece of cloth.  One side believes that Jesus was buried in this cloth and that the blood stains reveal Jesus's face.  The other side argues that the material has not been around long enough to have been used by Jesus.  This interests me because one piece of cloth can prove or disprove the existence of one significant man.  I am not sure whether or not the cloth was wrapped around Jesus.  I think that it could be since Jesus's face has been seen, but could not because of the amount of time this cloth had to last.  The Shroud of Turin has been a piece debated about a lot but we may never know the truth.  I picked this image because it shows how you can actually see the outline of someone, possibly Jesus.  

Image result for shroud of turin

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Role Models Like Jesus in My Life

A person in my life who acts like Jesus is my best friend's mom who doubles as my Confirmation sponsor.  Donna consistently shows her love for everyone, like Jesus, by going to Mass at least once a week and constantly volunteering.  She does these things not because she has to but because she wants to spread love around.  Donna is a good example of Jesus in my life because she is so loving.  Another example is my mom.  My mom is like Jesus because she is loving but also forgiving.  My mom always hears me out and tries to help me when I have a problem or mess up rather than just punishing me.  My mom forgives me and continues to love me similar to Jesus.  Donna and my mom are people in my life that I want to develop to be like because they are loving and forgiving like Jesus.  I picked this image because it shows a heart which represents how I am unconditionally loved by my two role models and because the light shining through represents how Jesus is always present in my life.  

Related image


*All pictures are labeled for noncommercial reuse.  
*All information is from class presentations, notes, and class discussions.  


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